October Stampin’ 101
Stampin 101
Tuesday, October 6th at 10a – Chilli potluck
Thursday, October 8th @ 1p
Saturday, October 10th @ 1p
Gosh, it seems like a long time since we got together to stamp! Are you ready? I certainly am. Here are this week's projects.
Today's Tiles and Country Home Autumn Daisy.
If you have a minute to watch the videos, you will have all the Tips n Tricks before class.
Today's Tiles Card
We will use the Stamparatus for this project. Everything will line up with perfection! Do you notice the metallic heat embossing? This card is so pretty in person. A few of you mention you need Guy Cards. This card just might work!
Country Home Autumn Daisy Card
What do you think? I like it! It's a perfect autumn card.
We will color with the Blends… not too much (Ruby!).
I hope to see you!
Happy Stampin,
youtube: search jillibling
Product List - Today's Tiles
Product List – County Home Autumn Daisy