Current Host Code: WZ9FTCTU

Event You are Invited to Stamp Using “New Catalog Stamp Sets” – (12 seats available)

June 8, 2014

You are invited to "New Catalog Stamp Sets June"

Date:   Saturday, June 21st*

Location: Round Table Pizza Madison & Hazel

Time:   11:30a (you can arrive any time… I have the room until 6p)

Limited Space Available – only 20 stampers (you? Mary B, Laurie H, Fonda Jo, Carolynn, Marty, Kirsten, Shelley, Kellie )


This month I hope you trust me as I will not be able to provide card photos as I normally do.  We were able to place orders from the new catalog on June 2nd and I did!!!  The shipment should be arriving any day .  

You can view the new catalog online.  I will bring some on the 21st. 

I will post photos as soon as I have the project samples put together.

Let me know if you can make it. 

We will make 10 cards (5 designs – 2 of each design) and don't forget to stamp your envelope too.  You can work at your own speed.  It's great to team up with a friend or make new friends at your table and work as a team.  Left Overs are available at 5p.  $25 per stamper – bring your basic supplies

Happy Stampin,



* if you have a group of 3 or more, I can come to you on a date that works for your calendar

NOTE: mark your calendar for: Saturday, July 26th


Here are pictures of some of our projects for June.

1. Floral Wreath:



2. Punch Flowers:



3. Word Bubbles (every teenager loves these!!!)

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4. Brag Book (so I am not a 3D/thingie type stamper… because I have boxes of thingies/3D items and never use them…  BUT, imagine giving this to a coworker or close friend with just 4 favorite snap shots in it…  maybe photos of moments shared, pix from facebook, snapshots of Icing On the Cupcake Red Velvet Yummies, dogs or kitties…  You know what I mean..  I can guarantee that card will be displayed or saved forever!!!)




5) I'm working on.  I have 2 great ideas!


I hope to see you Saturday.




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