My Favorite Things… that make daily Stampin life better
As a stamper you find things that make a difference in crafting. Last year Carolynn and Kathy handed me a bottle of liquid glue and commented they really like it. Guess what, I really like it too and it makes my stampin days better. Soooo, last year many of you received a fine tip bottle of glue and a silicone cup to store it upside down. Still I use my glue daily.
I use my little decorated paint brush to swoosh away eraser crumbs, that pesky embossing powder spillage, lovely dazzling diamonds glitter and tiny papers after using my Stampin Cut & Embossing Machine (which from this point on I'll refer to as Big Boss… since I've tried Baby Boss and LUV it…). I also find behind my Big Boss and paper cutter a bit of dust. Imagine THAT! My little brush makes quick work of ridding my of dust. Yes, I swoosh all this stuff onto the floor because Roomba tends to all this stuff daily. Nice! Anyhow, I think you need a little decorated brush!
Betty Boop – what does that mean to you? If we have been hanging out together, to you that means Embossing Buddy. That little white(ish) pouch of powder that resides in an adorable little tin. You get a tin too. I couldn't find any Betty tins, but these are cute. Just stick your name on the bottom of your tin.
Here's the video showing how to make your decorated brush (it isn't hard). The video includes a few tips.
Thank you for being one of my people!
Happy Stampin,
youtube: search jillibling