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Anthony’s Birthday Cards (and a question for you below)

February 11, 2017

Here are 2 cards Anthony received for his birthday.

This card is from the Georges.  I know Momma and I received it as part of a swap… but it's soooo perfect for Tony.  



I'm still in awe of this card!

My creation:


So this card has a bit of a story.  For years Tony says 'Caz I'm Batman' in a low scratchy voice.  I guess he heard it said like that somewhere along the way and anytime he does, thinks, plans something extraordinary, he repeats this phrase.  So… he's received little trinkets of Batman and even Batman bandaids.  Okay, but the story goes further than that…


ORANGE!  Ask me what color I like least.  Orange and yellow…  just don't like them.  Sure, they have their place… but… nah…  So, driving to Sacramento for Thanksgiving, making small talk I asked him which dump truck he would choose today.  On Highway 5 there's a huge parking lot with all these multicolored dump trucks.  I always choose pink, magenta or a blue color.  Guess what he choose?  Yup, you've got it… ORANGE.  I looked him as if he might have listened to something I said in the past and understands THAT color is … bad…  I smiled and asked why he choose that color.  "I like it".  He was serious.  OMG!  Anyhow, since that moment I regularly mention that after all these years I had no idea he likes orange.  Why?  The topic comes up weekly… maybe a car or a dress… he comments on how nice the color is…  

Now you understand where this card came from.  I really didn't like the set until I realized it's just a super hero… it can be any super hero.  I assumed this set is for kids…not.  Anyhow, the card kept my up really, really late.  I got started and had to finish it.  I LOVE it!  I still love it a week later.  Do you want to do this card in class?  We have the choice of man or woman and the word choices are great.  

Happy Stampin,





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