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August Projects

August 1, 2016

I'm sure you've made your way thru the new catalog over and over.  Isn't it interesting how you can find new things with each catalog visit?  Check out page 5 – the upper right corner.  See that white box that lists 'Product Suites" and their page number?  This little listing has become my new Best Friend!  During a recent Stampin Up event we were informed about this little catalog reference.  I thought 'well, that's nice' … but I probably won't use it.  Ummmm, I use it as much as I reference the Color Collection page (167)! I even added a tab to my catalog because I use it so much.  

A few years ago SU started offering Product Suites and Bundles.  The Product Suite includes products sharing a style/colors/print, etc. Many times a Product Suite includes a Bundle.  A bundle is a stamp set + one additional item (sometimes 2 additional items) offered at a reduced rate (10%).  SU regularly asks customers/demos what we want/like.  Both the Suites and Bundles SU offers prove they are listening.  I just noticed that since the new catalog has been released all of our monthly projects have focused on 1 or 2 Product Suites.  They make me a happy stamper!  

This month we will be using the Moroccan Product Suite and the Jar of Love Bundle. 

Dazzling Dames – Saturday, August 20th @ 1p – Gail is hostess

Dexter Stampers – Sunday, August 21st @ 10a – Linda is hostess

Technique Stampers – Friday, August 26th @ 5p – Hobby Lobby Springfield

Technique Stampers – Saturday, August 27th @ 1p – Hobby Lobby Springfield

Moroccan Nights:


I love this fold.  


When attending On Stage in Salt Lake City I received this stamp set as a gift.  I thought it's cute but wasn't sure when/where/how I'd use.  I thought the designer paper is attractive but not really my colors.  To me the oranges/yellows/espresso made it look 'fall'.  I kinda do not like yellow and orange.  Well, as with most SU anything – I've come around to their way of thinking and now love it!  I admit, I tried to focus on the espresso, denim and emerald.  I guess sometime ya just have to jump in with both feet…  


This project has a easy version (limited hand cutting), medium and a bit more cutting version.  All the cards look great! 

Jar of Love:


My dear Aunti Mary is gardener extraordinaire! She gardens with a passion as I stamp with a passion.  Hmmm, I wonder if she dreams of beets sprouting in the dirt as I dream of SU color combos and card designs…  hmmm…  Anyhow, I bought this bundle thinking of Aunti.  Surfing the net I saw a cute card using vellum as the jar and knew we needed to make our own version of the vellum jar.  


I have a few window sheet boxes.  You are welcome to make a box to coordinate with your card.  My flower doesn't match – but your flower can! You can fill the box with candy or stamped tissue for a perfect gift combo.


I look forward to seeing you this month!  Happy Summer! 

… pssst – I just saw a sneak peek of the next mini catalog – the Holiday catalog… 56 yummy pages, oh my!

Stampin Supplies:

Moroccan Nights:

Stamp Set-Moroccan Nights, Happy Happenings, Rose Wonder; Paper-emerald, cajon, dijon, dsp, denim, espresso, vanilla; Ink-denim, dijon, emerald, espresso, cajun; Accessories-dimensionals,tear tape, washi, rouched ribbonx2, sequins x3, paper cutter/scorer

Jar of Love:

Stamp Set-Bunch of Blossoms, Jar of Love; Paper-demin, white, sugar, pool, vellum; Ink-black, denim, sugar, emerald, pear, island, pool; Accessories-dimensionals, BS, Framelits, misc e.f., punch flower, punch circle 1", punch circle 1 3/8" pearls

Happy Stampin,





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