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Girlfriends Weekend – Diane’s Project

November 10, 2014

 I will wait until you catch your breath…  It's okay to stare for a few minutes…

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This is Diane Fisher's project.  I know each year she struggles to come up with just the right project. She always does great…  I hope this year's project was just providing materials and letting the stamp do all the talking! 

I've seen this stamp set in the catalog but have a personal hang up or two (okay, 3) about peacocks.  Next time feel free to ask… funny stories!!!  Anyhow, when I see this stamp set in the catalog I'm intimidated by the coloring possiblities.  Diane had great samples and her project box had peacocks all over it offering great coloring ideas.  You should have seen the results…  each stampers was different!  Because this was one of our GF's Weekend Projects, we were allowed to spend as much time as we needed to color.  I colored for 1/2 day.  Really!  I love coloring.  It was so much fun.  We used blendabilities and the color lifter.  OMG, huh?

Diane – in case you aren't sure…  We all loved the project!  It's incredible!

Happy Stampin,




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