Fine Feathers by Mary Becker
October 10, 2012
I recently had dinner with Mary and she gave me this card... she included a little crown charm (perfect to…
Girlfriends weekend was in early April. We always have a good time and this was no exception! The trip is always very indulgent (time, projects, being lazy, a true get away).
A few years ago we decided we should buddy up and make dinner for the group once during our get away. This would take some pressure off Momma & Bill so they don't need to be preparing every meal. WOW, the dinners were awesome. Everyone wanted each other's recipes! We decided making recipe cards for each other would be a great idea. Here are our recipe cards from this trip… I'll start with Donna's:
I LOVE green! (okay… kinda sad to hear celery is going away…) The little buttons have a slight gold shimmer. What a cute design Donna!
Happy Stampin,