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My Stampin Room… the doors

November 16, 2012

You heard about all the hick-ups in getting these doors… right?  Well, here they are!  No more plywood non-doors!  Gosh, it was like a cave in here!

Room french doors in my room

These doors replaced a 6 foot 3 panel window.  Eventually, the back yard will have a nice sized patio cut into that hill with a water feature.  My doors will overlook it all.  Nice, huh?  WAIT, why are they etched?  Um… they are supposed to be double bevelled in that pattern…  Um???  Problem! 

Room french doors matching

Here is the soon to be dining room… still under construction along with the kitchen.  The two sets of doors match.  They match in 'problem' too!  Those nice drafty holes around both doors make for some crisp stampin too!  Yeiks. The blue tape is my attempt to close up the hole and keep them closed.

Okay, Answer to the Problem: the manufacturer became confused on clear glass and they will come out and exchanged this glass for clear bevelled glass soon.  Whew!  Dang doors!

OH, my stampin room door wall – notice how it's not painted?  That is because it will be wall papered.  Wall papered in black.  Don't wrinkle your brow!  Just trust me on this one and wait until you see it!  It was ordered a few weeks ago and should arrive any time now!

Happy Stampin,



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