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My Countertops have arrived!

August 14, 2012

The wait is over!!!  My countertops have arrived!  Ahhh… finally, things are feeling a bit more complete!  Gosh, things sure seem to take a long time to get done!

This is the family computer corner (complete with a TV and Dish hook up and phone charging station). Eventually, the walls will be primed, and floated with … stuff… so these 2 walls can be wall papered.  I have the wall paper picked out.  It's black.  (don't gasp! … stop that…!)  Once you see the completed room (and house) you'll see my plan… 

Countertops 1Here's my room!  Yup, still boxes along the window – that will eventually be a french door.  Fiji Christmas Cards on my chair.  They are all packaged up into kits.  The ceiling still needs to be painted.  I have a much lighter blue (might as well say white) paint.  Painting upside down sounds very daunting to me…

Countertops 2

The countertop product is Corian.  I like it.  The stuff isn't slick.  I'm not sure if I like that or not… Usually a paper dropped on a counter slides… this doesn't.  All those little pieces by the paper cutter don't slide off into my hand…  I'm sure there's another side to this situation I just haven't experienced yet that will make me appreciate the stuff…  (maybe the Big Shot will be a rock and do it's own work!???)  … lol…

Countertops 3
There's our computer!  We've been out of touch for a few days here. 

Ha… see in the background the boys working on framing?  Guess what that area will be??? 

Countertops 4

See the 3 door headers?  The header closest to the front door will be a coat closet, the next one will be STORAGE  (YUP, storage for all that stampin stuff in my room!  Yee Haw!  Yipee!  Yeah!  Happy Wiggle!  Big Smiles!  … whew, now I'm tired!) and the last one a wine closet with a pretty cut glass door. 

Funny how I was so excited for counter tops and now for framing of storage.  : )

Countertops 5

I know you are just eying that light fixture… isn't it beautiful?  : )

Countertops 6

(I'm still tired from the excitement of storage… whew…) Next on the 'to do' list is crown on my stampin room cabinets, the wallpaper and the door. 

More photos later! 

Happy Stampin,



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