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My Stampin Room is getting closer!

June 28, 2012

SO… are you ready?  Here's my room!  It's getting there, but still not done.  I guess I was delaying the posting of photos thinking I need to have my room 100% done before I shared photos.  Here's my list of things needed before I'll consider it 'done':

1. counter tops!

2. crown on top

3. finish painting – there are 2 different colore on the walls.  Back wall a light basic gray and the side wall is sahara sand.

4. door where the window is now

5. moulding on the floor between the hardwood and counters

6. under the window is a huge stack of boxes!!!  I don't have enough room!

7. toe/kick cover

8. glass in those display doors

9. stuff is all over… I'm still unorganized!


Oh, see those two little chunks of corian???  What color???  I think there's a darker one, with movement in a lighter color… kinda closer to the floor color (a bit lighter), kinda a putty color. 


Where would you work…  as the chair is positioned now, or on the black mat?  The light under the counter is awesome, the black mat area is really big…  I guess I could have worse problems…  lol…


Oh boy, this photo… 

1. check out the floor in the living area!  You can tell the hardwood goes from that point back (the entire house)… the rest of the house is sub-floor and the other part of the house is THAT carpet!  Gotta suck it up and love it!

2. mess under the counter, by the chair… yup, already out of room.  Oh, I forgot to mention, in the living area are more boxes that need to come into this room!!! 

3. my art work!!!  I LOVE that photo!  I purchased it from a little gift store in Folsom a few years ago.  I kept it in my trunk because I didn't know how to justify spending as much as I did.. and where would I put it?  … and how could I really hang artwork of a crown (maybe I need to get a life!)… but it's so blingy and I love the colors.  ANSWER: I got over it and now love it!  I love it so much, this home is all about the colors on THAT piece of art!!! 

4. see that lower cabinet door closest to the camera???  Guess what's in there?  A garage can!  Ya don't get my facination???  Imagine this – working on a project, little pieces of paper everywhere from cutting, all those dimensionals papers that seem to stick to the weirdest places and strangers kindly pick them off you at the post office… those little papers…  Wouldn't it be nice to take your left hand and swoosh them into a garage can???  Ha!  Got'cha, It's my garbage can!  I plan on making a little long slit in the top of the counter for those pieces to drop directly into the garbage can.  I've been told it can be done.  BUT, as I'm working on plywood with grid paper and packing tape covering my current counters (plywood uncovered makes for many, many ouchy splinters!!!) I have that drawer opened 2 inches and I'm successful in putting those little papers in the garbage can very easily.  Perhaps my slit idea isn't necessary…  HA KNOW… 

5. Oh, those wood under counter drawers – those drawers were inside the top part of my paper drawers.  They made it so the paper didn't fit!  They had to come out.  Okay, what a shame… we paid for them!!!  They sat on the dining room table for a few days.  One morning I walked by the drawers and came up with this plan…  YES, I need under counter drawers!  Yes!  They are great!  Kinda don't match, but they have a nice finish (like the inside of the closed cabinets). 


Laurie Hancock – I love that book you made… and everyone signed…  : )


Um…  I need more room!


This is the other side of the room… the Nolan Family office area.  I wanted room for the TV and set up for the computer.  It works well.  I like to turn on XM Radio and work away.  Hey, I finally did work in my room just a few days ago and WOW, it nice!

Oh, the color/paint on this wall… just trying colors out.  The house has 4 colors.  3 of them are on the walls: gray, sand and a slightly lightened suede.  The ceiling is supposed to be a light blue, but the paint I picked up is a bit too bright… you can see it on the ceiling.  Until I go get another gallon of lighter color, the ceiling is white with 2 blue splotches…  oh well… 

The window here will be a door, french doors… eventually…

This wall will be this cool black wallpaper.  I already can see your face…  Everyone I've mentioned that to kinda rolls up their nose and crinkles their eyebrows… BUT, wait until you see it done… then you'll understand my vision! 

Well, that's about it.  I'm sitting in that chair right now typing away… 

What do you think?  Wanna come over for the weekend and stamp non-stop?  I have all the stamp sets SU makes already (Fiji successfully accomplished-thank you)! 

Happy Stampin,



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