I’ve been spoiled!
Once a quarter Janice has a demo meeting (upline/downline). We talk about upcoming SU happenings, how our demonstrating is going and then we make projects (yep, she knows how to get to our hearts!)… oh, we eat too.
This quarter's meeting fell right after convention. As you know, I LOVE convention and make FAR too many swap cards (oh, the total was 727 – Kirsten is the winner) and buy tooo much stuff from Momento Mall (I arrived with 2+ suitcases and left with 4+ suitcases.. Delta charges $25 for #1, $35 for #2, and a WHOPPING $125 for #3), not to mention all the stuff SU gives us! I had to share everything with the girls Monday night. It seemed like I was moving into Janice's home as I arrived with luggage and bags!!!
Janice's upline, Blythe even came Monday! It was so nice to finally meet her.
During Convention, I received a little award called Rising Star! These girls sure know how to make me feel like a special stamper! Janice went out and found my FAVORITE dessert… cupcakes from Icing on the Cupcake. If you scroll back to March/April – you'll see photos from my b-day party. They are incredible! She even make a little cupcake holder using my favorite DSP! Is this cute or what??? Ontop of the cupcake was a mini flag! I wish I would have taken photos with the cupcake in the holder.. it's darling. I'm sure she'll be posting the cupcake and holder soon (check her out: http://www.bellacosa.typepad.com/).
She also made these little candles… Yep, that's decorated with SU stuff! You should see it flicker in real life. I think I'm gonna exhaust it… I kinda turn it on while I'm stampin lately. Yep, simple pleasures!!!
Okay… so if you aren't WOWed yet – I have one more tid-bit to share… Janice gave me a gift. The gift was looking like something Brighton! You know how I love everything/anything Brighton! Yep, it is Brighton… earrings. SO, looking at the earrings, and knowing the title of that little SU Award – are these earrings perfect??? But wait, it gets better!!! Guess what Brighton named these earrings?
(… silence here…)
Go ahead and guess…
Rising Star! OMG, how did she do that???
I am so happy and joyful to celebrate with my friends.
: )
Happy Stampin,