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Time to Say Good-Bye

June 3, 2011

As you know, it's time to say good-bye to hundreds of products from the 2010-2011 Idea Book and Catalog!  How is your wish list looking in comparison to the Good Bye list?

When I was a new stamper, I found this list and time of the catalog cycle a terrible time… I SO did not want to see all those sets going away and stampers not using them/sharing their ideas!  Each and every set I purchased was very important and a deliberate decision!  I loved my stamp sets!  There were still many more sets to purchase in the current catalog…  BUT, things have changed a bit!  I now find the list as an opportunity to clean out old stamp sets and it's the one time a year that I have a squeak of extra room (wish my closet and time management were experiencing the same!) in our library!  Sure, there are a handful of sets that I wrinkle my brow and frown thinking that they are going away; and a
few sets I'm fine seeing go away (INCLUDING THAT FREAKIN' SOCK MONKEY!!!).

IMG_1944 up right

IMG_1943 up right

As you look at the photos above… there's no need for you to feel the pain of all those $s swooshing out the window…  there's no need to feel the sadness that some of my favorite stamps – some good ole' friends, the ones I use over and over just caz they are my 'go to'/backbone…  (All Holidays, Great Friend, Friends 24-7, Simple Friendship, Dreams du Jour, So Many Thanks and Chic Boutique) are going away… no need for sadness… Okay, enough whining…

The new catalog is almost here!!!  All the moping will be forgotten the minute I get my hands on that new catalog!  OMG, I can't wait.  I stalk the UPS man the last week of June… waiting for the new catalogs!  As he drives down the road in our neighborhood… I'm watching and waiting (gate clicker in hand)…  if he pauses or lets off the gas as he drives by – I'm outside running down the drive way with my arms up in the air, slippers flopping and squealing with delight…  Sure he thinks I'm a bit crazy – but that's okay!  I'm sure you'd want me to eagerly anticipate YOUR new catalog…

New catalogs!!!  Mark your calendar for Friday, July 1st!!!  I'll be at Starbucks (International Drive and Zinfandel) between 7-8a, and 12-1p.  If this time doesn't work out for you, you are welcome to stop by and get your catalog, or we'll see each other during our monthly parties.


Happy stampin,


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