Veggies anyone?
So… while my kids were wandering around a book store on Saturday afternoon looking for their perfect book, I decided to find a book called Skinny 'B' (we don't say bad words in our home).
While at SU Convention last month, my stampin friend Barbara mentioned this book. The few things she said about it were interesting. Well, that book is something! I've read only 4 chapters. I plan to read more… just not yet (I have another novel going right now). BUT, what little I have read I've shared with the kids (and last weekend with Tony). Since we find ourselves in the car for little periods of time, I've started asking them to read to me (Mommy thing… when I was young, reading out loud scared the pants off me…). They both have read chapter one out loud, then continued on their own further chapters. Emmi has read the book cover to cover in 2 days. Boz has read to chapter 3. Bottom line/long story short – our eating habits have changed! All in a good way… Veggies really are a good thing.
I purchased this set BEFORE reading that book. The minute I saw the artichoke, I was interested in the set (not sure if in a good way or bad…), but with time, I've decided I really like this set. I haven't used it because I'm not sure of the occasion to send someone a card with veggies on it… Perhaps if you can food, or are bringing a dish to a friends place… otherwise, why?
Well, I used the set and really like the 2 cards.
In a few weeks, a few girls will be coming over for shoebox. This will be my project.
Happy Stampin!