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Stampin with Janice – May 2010

May 21, 2010

We made these projects at Janice's during her Wednesday Stampers. Here's
my favorite:
smooch spray… isn't this pretty? Smooch comes in 4 colors. We'll be
using the white one for our May projects.
Only the middle panel has the log cabin smooch spray applied and rubbed in with a sponge.  The side panels are colored using sponges directly into a stamp pad, then onto the paper.  OH, the paper… this is that fancy smanchy paper next to the smooch spray in the mini catalog.  (I probably should clean up my language for bloggin…  but you all know me well enough and can ready thru and understand what I mean, not what I type, right???)

Jrr wed stampers may smooch

This project is for all those proud family members that have a graduation coming up this summer.  This set is in the summer mini.

Jrr wed stampers may grad

And the last one…  my favorite set right now… Elements of Style:

Jrr wed stampers elements


Jrr wed stampers elements 3

Happy Stampin!


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