Simply Adorned … all wrapped up
February 15, 2010
I wanted to wrap these jewelry items in a way that the wrapping can remain with the packaging. The project…
As I said in the previous post, I went CRAZY making little min cards for these charms. The below photos show the designs. Oh my… if I had any idea this would be so much fun, the procrastinating would have not have happened!
For each size charm (I plan on having one of each … okay, maybe a handful of each) I made a vellum envelope to hold my extra designs. The charms open/close easily. I can change the design every day! I could put the extra designs in the bottom of the nice little box… thought this vellum envelope would let me peek thru to see my options. The plan worked out perfect.
Here is what I came up with this weekend:
Happy Stampin,